Saturday, June 16, 2007

I keep running out of metaphor

here, I’ll put my mind on display so that
you can peer through the
window of my words like
some peeping tom

open my life to walk-by business as though
I am some sidewalk hawker
soul for sale
soul for sale

let me provide you a view through the
transparent tissue of my heart,
its fluid passions pumping through
pipe and valve.

if you like, you can feel exhilaration
as fear and anger
race the raging current of
my blood

you can sit poolside
your slapdash toes splashing
in the love and hate submerged
in raw crimson lochs

I will strip
the aging skin from
my body
reveal its factories of
knotted muscle and bone
pulleys and levers to make it all
work and move

or . . .

or rather come share
my days
my white hot

listen to me laugh and cry
be afraid
be brave
watch me
feel me love you

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